WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® through the year

It would be great to have the unalloyed simplicity of Chance the Gardener in the classic film 'Being There.' Wouldn't it?

No distractions; simple, deep and naïve relationship and expectation of being and life ....

Sometimes though, we get distracted – and we leave mentally and sometimes actually. Our attention 'climbs out the window'; we might become preoccupied by our brain's chattering, by self-consciousness, embarrassment, a thought, an emotion  – and we leave and stop.

There are always convenient distractions, a beautiful sunset through the window, an absorbing thought, the call of tiredness to go lie down, a door to the kitchen or garden maybe open to let in the coolness. Swimmers in the community swimming pool. 'That' thought.

What to do?

We've left, become 'dis-embodied' from the dance. I was so impressed recently by an newcomer dancer who was clearly having a strong and difficult time – nevertheless they kept their gaze on the dance and the dancers, made decisions to move in, and stayed present – she kept 'showing up.'

Well, let's take their example: the doorway to re-engagement can be simple.

I find that when I've 'lost it' – for any of the above reasons, I can re-engage by looking in, giving my attention right in to the dance and the dancers; sometimes a movement, a vivacity will take my attention to mimic , to get me re-enlivened; sometimes just moving right in to the throng, not staying on the edge, does it; getting back into relationship with the other dancing bodies, or maybe a particular one ... 

Let's not get stuck in our 'wallflower' mode. Let's not let it take root. Shake it off with joy and the gifts right in front of us of our fellow dancers.

Robin Duckett

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