WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® through the year

Grounding Our Glow, with Francis Michael Eliot

A 5 Rhythms workshop focussing on grounding the rhythm of Chaos. (Read more about the patterns and characteristics of the Rhythms here.) At the end of the day there'll be a fire by the lake.

The Friday evening session will prepare us for dancing deeper on the Saturday, you are also welcome to attend just the Friday or just the Saturday. You can sleep in the hall for free on the Friday night. (Kitchen & showers available but you need to bring a sleeping bag and camping mat).
Bring food (to share if you wish) for lunch.

'Grounding Our Glow'. By 'grounding', I am referring to the process of receiving, sensing and embodying our bright shining nature. For many, Summer is a time of high energy. Rather than letting it lead us into overwhelm and subsequent space-out, how do we ground this energy so that it can be enjoyed, lived & shared? We will dance deep, shedding layers and tensions that may be in the way of our receptivity to this divine glow. In the evening, following the workshop, we will gather together by the lake, in the presence of fire & in the spirit of abundance! I hope you can join us for this magical day.
Francis has been teaching 5Rhythms® classes and workshops for 14 years. He was trained by the late Gabrielle Roth. He teaches as he would like to be taught: with sensitivity, integrity and a deep passion for the transformative power of the practice.

For more info on Francis' work, visit: 

Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Sat Jun 23, 2018
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 7 [View List]
Individual Price £45
Teacher Francis Michael Eliot
Times 11am - 6pm
Location Bassenthwaite Village Hall

Online registration has now ended: email re lastminute booking

NUM First Name Last Name
1 abi rogers
2 Catherine Taylor Cummins
3 Eliza Bouwens
4 Michal Kubacki
5 Michelle Hoggard
6 Rose-Marie Khan
7 Sarah Horn

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