WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® through the year

Clear Space: 5Rhythms Workshop

clear space JR“When Emptiness is still, that is eternity. When it moves, that is love” Adyashanti

In the midst of the winter festivities, come and take some time just for you, to seek out the clear space.



The mystics (and the scientists!) tell us that at our core, we are made of space and emptiness.
Let’s shift our focus from the things, events, people, relationships, challenges, ideas, thoughts, feelings in our lives, to the space within and around all of this and enjoy the freedom this offers.
We’ll embrace and accept what is moving within us, and as we let emptiness be our guide, where will that take us?

A high energy, cleansing evening wave followed by a day to listen, express, release and create from the quiet inner space of winter stillness.

Bring your own light lunch.

Gabrielle Roth created the 5Rhythms moving maps to help us all find our full, natural expression, heal our wounds and become engaged, intuitive humans who are part of the solution here on planet earth.
Jean was trained by her in 2007/8 and has been teaching ever since, continuously learning and growing in her understanding of the maps, which she communicates clearly, with warmth and humour.

Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Fri Dec 28, 2018
Capacity 25
Registered 13 [View List]
Available places 12
Individual Price £50
Teacher Jean Rankin
Times 10 - 5
Location Mungrisdale Village Hall

Online registration has now ended: email re lastminute booking

NUM First Name Last Name
1 Abigail Fowler
2 andrew Davies
3 Izabela Park
4 Jacqui Green
5 Matt Booth
6 Nick Wood
7 Nicola Didsbury
8 Rachael Hattersley
9 Robin Duckett
10 Sarah Horn
11 Shobhna Lowe
12 Timothy Hogan
13 zoey Gibb

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