WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® through the year

Wave, with Rachel Kurtz

4CIt's almost midsummer - the point of the year when staccato overflows naturally into chaos - and we are surrounded by a tangled profusion of growth. The challenge here is individuation - to remain true to ourselves  when all around distractions tempt and pull us in many directions.

In this class we will be dancing into the heart of chaos, exploring ways of remaining centred and fluid amidst the confusion - sure of our path and yet open to opportunity.

Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Friday June 14th
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 7 [View List]
Individual Price £15
Times 7 - 9.30

Online registration has now ended: email re lastminute booking

Registrants List

NUM First Name Last Name
1 andrew davies
2 helen clay
3 Helen Davies
4 kim mawer
5 Lara Guarracino
6 Monique Speksnyder
7 paul usher

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