WaveDance Cumbria

5Rhythms® through the year

5 Rhythms Wave, with Rachel Kurtz

allow the dance and the dancer to softly unfold ...RachelK

Beginning the new year with Rachel our resident teacher ...
Rachel will re-introduce the core precepts of the Rhythms, as the framing of the evening. Do you have curious / interested friends who’d like to start dancing 5R in the New Year? We will particularly welcome new dancers.
On our '5Rhythms of the Wave' page, we have videos and other information outlining the 5 Rhythms, including from Gabrielle Roth, 5 Rhythms founder, and Rachel.

Our invited teachers bring dedicated encouragement, wisdom, support and energy to the dance and to you - which is exactly the point. A key feature of a 5 Rhythms session is what a teacher brings - their guidance, energy and watchfulness so that all dancers can dive as deeply as they can into the dance and its possibilities. “[5R] teachings are fundamentally rooted in movement: to embody them is to be willing to move and be moved in the moment, in a grace spun by something bigger. A teacher is somebody committed to being real and accountable and to providing the space, permission and guidance for you to do the same.” (5Ryhythms Movement Organisation.) They are guides and facilitators in our shared and individual dancing journeys.

  Rachel 5 Rhythms Dance installation video - Dance City, Newcastle 2012 (videolink)


Dates, Details & Booking

Event Date Fri Jan 18, 2019
Cut off date Sat Jan 19, 2019
Capacity 25
Registered 11 [View List]
Available places 14
Individual Price £15
Teacher Rachel Kurtz
Times 7 - 9.30pm
Location Mungrisdale Village Hall

Online registration has now ended: email re lastminute booking

NUM First Name Last Name
1 Abby Fowler
2 andrew davies
3 Freya Kennedy
4 Helen Davies
5 Julian Godfrey
6 Lara Guarracino
7 Nicola Didsbury
8 Robin Duckett
9 Sarah Wilson
10 sarah Wilson
11 Trudy Purkiss

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